infinite↓scroll magazine


what can i submit to infinite↓scroll?

infinite↓scroll accepts submissions of unpublished poetry, prose (fiction & nonfiction) and pretty much anything else as long as it's 50 words or less.

how should i send my work?

send submissions via this google form along with a bio of 25 words or less. alternately you can write your pieces in the body of an email to please specify a genre and title for each piece you submit. one submission per person.

no more than a total of 275 words (up to five 50 word pieces, and a 25 word bio) per submission please.

you will get a response if any of your work is selected. a maximum of 3 pieces per submission will be selected for publication. infinite↓scroll does not send out rejections; if you don't hear back within two weeks of submitting, then your work is free to submit elsewhere.

as this is mostly a one man show, infinite↓scroll does not offer payment at this time.

when are you open for submissions?

we are accepting submissions for issue 1.1 until 9/15. please allow a few weeks for review.

by submitting, you allow infinite↓scroll to publish your work on our website, as well as in a future print anthology, which will collect the 4 issues released throughout the year into a single volume. more details on that to come. all rights revert to the author upon publication.

NOTE: our website is built primarily using Markdown meaning that most formatting will be ignored when the website renders. graphical elements involving text, such as those involving spacing and unique line breaks, will unfortunately be lost on our site.