open for business (submissions)
infinite↓scroll issue 1.1 is looking for submissions!
we're excited to start this tiny lit mag, and hope you'll join us on this tiny ride through the microsphere!
send us up to 5 of your best micropoetry/prose pieces (meaning 50 words or less) along with a micro-bio (meaning 25 words or less) to this google form. alternately you can write your pieces in the body of an email to please specify a genre and title for each piece you submit. one submission per person.
no more than a total of 275 words (up to five 50 word pieces, and a 25 word bio) per submission please.
we're hoping for a late october publishing date for this inaugural issue, and for now issues will be published on the site, with the hopes of PDF and print issues/anthologies in the future. check out the full submission guidelines here, and also our about page to, well, see what we're about. we're looking to showcase around 40-50 writers per issue, so show us what you got!
submissions will be accepted until mid-late september. please allow a few weeks for review, and we will reach out to you via email.
some examples of what we're looking for to get you started: